Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Globe and Mail guide to winter beers
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Brew #2, 7 months later
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Batch #6 - American Pale Ale
1.5 kg light liquid malt extract at boil
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Batch #5 - Blackberry Stout
For this one, I took Charlie Papazian's recipe for Cherry Fever Stout (Joy of Home Brewing 3rd ed., p.2145) but substituted blackberries for cherries. I also had to use 3.3 lbs dark malt extract syrup and 3.3 lbs amber (the local home brew shop only had one can of dark, so I got one dark and one amber)
Here it is:
3.3 lbs Coopers dark malt extract syrup
3.3 lbs Coopers amber malt extract syrup
1 lb plain dark dried malt extract
1 lb crystal malt
1/2 lb roasted barley
1/2 lb black malt
1 1/2 oz Northern Brewer hops
1/2 oz Willamette hops
4 tsp gypsum
5 lbs fresh blackberries
- steeped the crystal malt, barley and black malt in 1.5 gallons water at 160 degrees for 30 minutes
- strained the malts. Added the extracts, Northern Brewer hops and gypsum and boiled for 60 minutes
- crushed and added the 5 lbs blackberries. Let steep for 15 minutes at 180 degrees
- added the Willamette hops
- added 10 oz pitched Coopers ale yeast
Wheat beer - note to self
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Batch 3 (Chocolate Porter) Tasting Notes
Monday, September 6, 2010
The beer that eats like a meal!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Bottled batch number 4
Monday, August 16, 2010
Batch #4 - Wheat Ale
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Cheap beer Craptacular!
How about it - a cheap beer that is half way decent! A golden lager that is slightly too sweet, but very reminiscent of Alpine lager.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Great article on Unibroue
I have long held the opinion Unibroue is Canada's best brewery
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Where to drink in Ottawa
Never mind the Shamrock / Italian Flag combo - it is all about the beer selection
Friday, July 23, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Cheap Beer Craptacular!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Cheap Beer Craptacular!
Monday, July 5, 2010
Home brew batch #3 - Chocolate Porter
This brew was more about being able to make something with the supplies on hand than anything else. I had 2 cans of dark malt extract and a variety of hops. I picked up some additional grains from the Vineyard and set to work. I found the recipe online. I omitted one of the grain varieties, and had to substitute the bitter hops as I did not have what the recipe called for (it called for Galena and EKG). I also had a load of swiss chocolate than Nicolas and Simone gave us, so the Chocolate Porter seemed the obvious choice. Without further ado:
Chocolate porter
8oz 70/80 L Crystal Malt (Crushed)
8oz Special Roast Malt (Crushed) (omitted)
12oz Chocolate Malt (Crushed)
4oz Black Patent Malt (Crushed)
4oz Roasted Barley (Crushed)
Steeped for 30 minutes at 150 F
Hops – 60 min: Centenial (9.2 alpha) x 1.5 oz
30 mins – Centenial and what I had left of my fuggles (5.1%) – this will result in a less bitter beer than the recipe called for, but what are you gonna do? Total = .5 oz
After taking it off heat – 6 oz. Lindt 60% cacao “L’Infini Fondant” and a few pieces of Lindt dark
Yeast = 2/3 Coopers, 1/3
Sparged the grains. Placed in in the carbuoy adding water to eq 5 gallons. (Though I would try a one stage fermentation this time)
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Tasting notes batch #2 (Bitter)
Monday, June 28, 2010
Tasting notes - home brew batch 1
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Beer o' the day
Monday, June 14, 2010
Bottling batch number 2
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Racking batch #2
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Home brew batch #2
HOME BREW (May 23, 2010)
Beer attempted: Palace Bitter (Papazian page 170)
Extract: 2kg light dried malt extract
Malt: 1lb Crystal Malt 70/80L
Hops: Fuggles (5.1) and Northern Brewer (8.9)
Yeast: Nottingham Brewing yeast (dry)
Recipe called for Crystal 60 and Kent Goldings hops. Substituting the Northern Brewer. Result should be a hoppier beer than as per the recipe
11:00 am: added 12.1 oz Crystal Malt to 1.5 gallons water @ about 70 degrees C
Note: the temp got up to about 77 degrees. Hope that causes no ill effects
11:30 – strained out the malt
11:36 added the malt extract. Has to stir quite a bit due to clumping
11:54 – boil over (dammit – busy combing dog) Added hops
12:24 – added 7 grams each of Fuggles and Northern Brewer
12:39 – added 14 grams Northern Brewer
12:52 – added 14 grams Northern
12:53 – suspended about 14 grams yeast in 8 oz water
12:55 – placed the wort pot in ice water
13:45 – strained wort into primary fermenter. Added about 3.5 gallons cold water, and poured back and forth between pot and fermenter (once).
14:00 – added yeast and water mix
OG – between 1038 and 1040
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Bottling the brew
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
I am an idiot
Why am I an idiot? It turns out I had one all along...
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Home brewing step 2 -Day 3
Monday, April 26, 2010
Home Brew!

Ok, I realize I have not posted in a ridiculously long time. In fact, it was about 180 types of beer ago! Ye Gods. Anyhoo, I have decided to expand my beer universe by trying to home brew beer.