Sunday, October 14, 2012

Home Brew: White House Honey Ale

My brother brought to my attention President Obama's homebrewing exploits at the White House.  One of his recipes was for honey ale.  As luck would have it, my friend Taryn has an apiary and we had discussed making a honey beer.  This seemed like too big a coincidence to pass up.

Here is the link to the original recipe:

I had to make a few changes to use up ingredients I already had, also substituted the yeast for something better (I think).  Here it is:

Steep for 30 minutes at 155 degrees:
8 oz biscuit malt
10 oz pale crystal malt
2 oz medium crystal malt 

Bring to a boil.  Add:
6 pounds liquid malt extract (light)
1 pound dry malt extract (light)
1.5 oz East Kent Golding hops (pellets)
2 tsp gypsum

After 45 minutes of boiling, add:
.5 oz Fuggles hops (pellets)

After 50 minutes of boiling, add:
1 pound honey

After an hour, I let it cool, topped it up to 5 gallons and pitched Wyeast 1332 Northwest Ale