Sunday, April 1, 2012

Home brewing - Kolsch

In an effort to make Sith@Heart happy, I have decided to try and brew a light beer that is not very hoppy. After our trip to Cologne last year, Kolsch seemed just the thing! I am using the recipe for Itsok Kolsch in Papazian's Complete Joy of Homebrewing. However, his recipe does not call for any specialty malts, which seems just wrong to me. So I am making a few tweaks of my own.

Steep 4oz Pale Crystal Malt (20/24L) and 3oz Caramunich Type 3 @ 140-150 degrees for 30 minutes

Add 1.5 kg liquid wheat malt extract (60% wheat, 40% barley) and 2.5 lbs light dry malt extract
1 oz Saaz hops (2.8% AA)
Boil for 30 minutes. Add 1/2 oz Tettnanger Hops (3.9% AA).
Boil for 15 minutes. Add 1 tsp Irish Moss

Fill to 5 gallons. Pitch Wyeast 2565 (Kolsch)

Next week: a Belgian dubbel!

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